Piotr Zientara


My name is Zientara, Piotr Zientara CEO @Xfaang


We all lack programmers

Wrong solution: Invest even more in recruiters, recruiters, salaries and gimmicks for recruits.

A good solution: Invest in training new programmers and their professional development.

Piotr Zientara

CEO @Xfaang

I can assist YOU in the following:

Xfaang - art digitalization for Zachęta - National Gallery of Art

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Xfaang - We combine the know-how and experience of enterprise with the agility of startups, providing our clients with the ideal mix of world class technology and peace of mind

Between 2014-2024 I gave dozens of talks on subjects related to technology, in addition to serving as Master of Ceremonies for over 120 events

Success in Numbers

Measure what matters

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No man is an island, therefore your development depends on the growth of the communities you belong to. The more you invest in those around you, the more they give back and continue to contribute around. What you get is what you give.

Piotr Zientara

Xfaang CEO, keeper of the fire of WarsawJS Community

Some of Blogposts

I posted several blogposts and give the links here:

  • 01

    Building a Real-Time Chess App with AI-Powered Commentary

    In this blog post, I'll walk you through the process of building this application, the challenges encountered, and the solutions implemented to bring the concept to life.


  • 02

    Binary system and ConfrontJS

    If you count on your fingers using binary, you count from 0 to 1023 🙂 Simple explanation!

    See the video!

  • 03

    Iggy Pop is absolutely awesome!

    A short feuilleton after attending Iggy Pop's concert at Off Festival in August 2022 published at KMAG.pl

    See the feuilleton

  • 04

    Communication as a hard skill

    Is it possible to understand communication as a hard skill? If so, there is more hope for a method to make it better!

    See the video!

  • 05

    Radio IT Episode IV

    Interview - 16:00

    Go to podcast

  • 06

    Transformacja cyfrowa instytucji kultury

    Najlepsze praktyki na 2022 rok - dyskusja online

    Go to video

  • 07

    Filozofia w programowaniu

    Type of Web – rozmowa z Piotrem Zientarą

    Go to podcast

  • 08

    AskQL narodziny technologii

    C_tech - Katowice - 5.08.2020

    Go to video

  • 09

    Curriculum for a JavaScript programmer

    Frontend Connect 2019 - Warsaw - Palace of Culture - 27.11.2019

    Go to video

  • 10

    The Developer`s career path

    WarsawJS Meetup #61 01.10.2019

    Go to video

  • 11

    Prawie połowa Polaków pracuje podczas urlopu

    Pytanie na Śniadanie, TVP1

    Go to video

  • 12

    Jak programowanie może zmienić zawodowe życie?

    Zawodowcy #52 -15.03.2019

    Go to podcast

  • 13

    Cyfrowa edukacja młodzieży i seniorów

    Człowiek 2.0 Tok.fm, 10.02.2018

    Go to podcast

  • 14

    Switching between React and React Native

    WarsawJS Meetup #49, 12.09.2018

    Go to video

  • 15

    How to begin a new project with React?

    WarsawJS Meetup #37, 26.09.2017

    Go to video

  • 16

    Writing your first Amazon lambda using JS

    WarsawJS Meetup #25, 14.09.2016

    Go to video

  • 17

    Uczenie się rubiego i railsów

    WRUG 03/2015, Warsaw

    Go to video

  • 18

    What is fundamentally wrong in testing semantics?

    WarsawJS Meetup #51, 01.12.2018

    Go to video

  • 19

    First steps with Ember CLI

    WarsawJS Meetup #2, 28.10.2014

    Go to video

  • 20

    Hints for successful cooperation in development teams

    WarsawJS Meetup #88, 15.12.2021

    Go to video

Do you want to work with me? Drop your CV at:

Get in touch with Me

I can empower your business, advise in technology, help you with realizing non-profit or commercial ideas. Also, I will be happy to speak at your conference! Just drop me a message